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Dave Milligan

Skye Records Radio

Great interview with piano maestro Dave Milligan about his release 'Momento'

Dave Milligan is a highly versatile musician and a leading figure in the diverse Scottish music scene. His musical imagination flows freely between multiple genres, and is in great demand all over the world as a performer, composer, arranger, musical director and educator.
Now based near Edinburgh, Dave grew up in the Scottish Borders and went on to study at the City of Leeds College of Music, before returning to his native Scotland.

Dave has played a key role in countless projects and performances at Celtic Connections since its inception, most recently as musical director of the festival’s star-studded 25th anniversary opening concert. Other performances include appearances with artists such as Larry Carlton, Mark Knopfler, The McCrary Sisters, Karine Polwart, Trilok Gurtu, Art Farmer, Carol Kidd and Camille O’Sullivan to name a few.

“The trio has an exceptionally complete and cohesive sound… beautifully restrained”
The Observer

Check out the playlist for the programme below.




Various Adverts 00:00:00
Sketch Eiggbound 00:01:00
Miles Davis Give It Up 00:08:39
Ross Milligan and Malcolm Macfarlane Dancing Waters 00:16:47
Steely Dan Aja 00:23:50
John Mulhearn London Road 00:33:41
Adam Sutherland Tune for Hayley 00:39:21
Rick Taylor Skye boat song 00:46:09
David Foley and Jack Smedley Time To Fly 00:51:52
John Scofield Philiopiety 00:56:24
Dave Milligan Parcel Of Rogues 01:02:38
Dave Milligan Going Nowhere 01:14:24
Dave Milligan They Said It Was About You 01:23:13
Dave Milligan Freedom Come All Ye 01:34:21
Dave Milliagan There's Always Tomorrow 01:46:24
Geirmund Larsson Midnattsang 01:55:07

Here's the show featuring the interview with Dave

Momento Bandcamp widget

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Isle Of Skye