
You can now stream your music directly from the site.

When you purchase a CD or one of our lossless downloads you will automatically be given a 1 year subscription to stream from our High Quality Mp3 players.

You can still purchase an Mp3 download
but you'll have to upgrade to stream from the site.

If you like Bandcamp, we have made it possible for you get codes on the site.
All our packages except the mp3 only package will give you a code for free.

You can of course purchase a subscription seperately and stream all our music from here.

Mp3 Subscription - £12 yearly

Free Downloads are only available to subscribers that are logged in


If you purchased a subscription, you can listen to all the music by our artists on their pages.

Access to exclusive videos, articles, photos and features.

View the cover art.

Download the booklet that accompanies each release.

Free downloads of Skye Records artists.

Over 400 Amazing Blocks



Use the form on our pages to sign up for a our free subscription. If you wish access to the free downloads, we ask that you confirm you wish to be on our mailing list.
Other wise you'll be able to listen to almost all of the artists for 7 days from registration.

Over 400 Amazing Blocks



You'll receive an email asking you to confirm your account.

Over 400 Amazing Blocks



Update your details. Choose a password. Although the system generates one for you, it will be scrambled after its changed for added security, so best choose one you know!

Over 400 Amazing Blocks



Login to your account and enjoy exclusive access.

Over 400 Amazing Blocks



We'll keep you up to date with what's happening at Skye Records. We take it easy on mail outs, but sometimes we know you want the gen!

Over 400 Amazing Blocks

Convinced? Register for an account.


Skye Records
Isle Of Skye